Non-invasive blood analysis

The analyser covers a spectrum far beyond the usual laboratory (urine-map) parameters, and in addition to the basic parameters, it also provides results that help to interpret them and understand the actual physiological processes.

The thermometric method is used to test living blood by means of electrodes placed at biologically active points in the body.

The study includes:

  • the shaped elements of the blood (red blood cells, white blood cells),
  • liver and
  • digestive enzymes,
  • parameters of gastric function,
  • blood supply to the various organs,
  • certain hormone levels,
  • levels of ions in the blood (magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium),
  • blood gas parameters (oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, regulation),
  • kidney functions,
  • lung and circulatory indicators.

Due to the nature of the study, the standard values were set independently and do not necessarily follow the standard values of conventional tests.

The test parameters are more than 96% identical to conventional test values, but are not a substitute for the conventional procedure, e.g. before surgery. However, this screening is an excellent way of identifying risk factors and can help to identify which organs and organ systems are worth monitoring.

The test is painless, so it is particularly recommended for anyone who may be afraid of needle pricks.