The story behind VitaHelp
Integrative Health Centre
the foundations of the Integrative Health

Anyone who hears the word “cancer” usually immediately despairs.
But instead, Zhoka, the founder of VitaHelp, has sought a way out and a cure in St Petersburg, Moscow and India. That’s how she met
to alternative medicine, based on disease prevention
the importance of a lifestyle of preventive medicine.
He began to apply his newfound methods, and although it took a lot of struggle, he was cured. However, the tumour caused hormonal changes, resulting in metabolic disturbances, followed by an adrenal tumour, which led to extremely high blood pressure. Doctors recommended surgery, but the procedure was avoided – again thanks to a new, hitherto unknown method, phytohomeopathic hormone therapy.

Throughout her illness, Zsóka also focused on her studies, becoming an excellent practitioner of naturopathy, lecturing at home and abroad on the importance of prevention and alternative, non-invasive therapies.

Sadly, Zsóka is no longer with us due to a sudden illness (pulmonary embolism) and its outcome, but her family will continue the activities of the health centre in her way of life and with her professional knowledge.

The following lines tell us important things about Zsóka's life and work.

“The story of my illness:

On March 8, 1998, I fell in the stairwell on Kutuzovsky Prospect in Moscow, after which it was discovered that I had a glioblastoma (tumour) in my brain, which also caused serious hormonal problems.

The investigations and options in Hungary did not offer much hope for a cure: apart from chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the doctors had nothing promising to offer. As I had strong contacts in Russia through my work, I started looking for solutions there. I spent a lot of time at the Novosibirsk military clinic, in St Petersburg and at clinics in Moscow, where I took part in an experimental therapy under Professor Koyamjakin, which was later tested and applied here in Hungary, at the university.

It was during these trials that I first experienced serious opportunities: it was here that I discovered alternative, non-traditional, non-invasive solutions, where I was introduced to bioresonance and the procedures and possibilities of Eastern medicine, the importance of nutrition and lifestyle. Later, I participated in detoxification therapies and other alternative detoxification procedures in India. Meanwhile, in Moscow, I was freed from my viral infection problems by a special ‘dialysis’ procedure.

Through a combination of Eastern and Western methods, I managed to heal while I was healing, but I struggled a lot with my water balance problems caused by hormonal imbalances. These were caused by serious metabolic disturbances. It was while struggling with one such water retention problem that I met Professor Nelson, who was giving a training course to a group of doctors in Badacsony. Professor Nelson treated me in public, and although I didn’t really tell him much about myself, he gave me an almost perfect picture of my condition. I had managed to get rid of several kilos of water that night, and although I had already tried bioresonance treatments, they had not yet been successful. It was on the basis of this experience that I bought my first SCIO machine and began my self-medication and study of naturopathy.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. László Béky and my greatest master, Prof. Dr. Szilveszter Török, from whom I am still learning.

I have learnt and continue to learn a lot: that is how we created the VitaHelp health centre, whose primary goal is to provide preventive
through preventive health assessments, natural remedies, treatments, lifestyle advice, therapists and doctors.
people on the right path to health. In pursuit of these objectives, I have a degree in “Health Management, Strategy Specialist”.

My vision of disease prevention and health awareness is unique, which is why I am happy to give presentations and participate in various health days, events, television and radio programmes.

Unfortunately, during my previous illness, a damaged endocrine system, stress two years ago, produced an adrenal tumour which has grown to the point of
high blood pressure. Doctors suggested a surgical solution, but I realised that it made no sense, because if I failed to correct the causes, surgery would only start another avalanche. After this realisation, I began to study phytohomeopathic hormone therapy, which I used in the right combination, and the tumour disappeared within six months.

It was along this quest that I came across the results of research published by some eminent foreign doctors, which could play an important role in the prevention of breast cancer and prostate cancer, for example. This knowledge and teaching can help people prevent the disease and protect their bodies from cancer.

Dr. Erzsébet Mosóné Jenőfi Jenőfi – “Zsóka”
(February 2012)