

Kinesiology is a holistic healing and personal development method, it aims to ensure the free flow of energy in our body, to unblock the blockages and obstacles to energy, on any issue where we want to achieve improvement and positive change. The method is muscle testing: the therapist asks questions according to a set system while applying pressure on the patient’s arm. The muscles, mediating information stored in the brain and the body at the cellular memory level, “respond” to the questions with a strong or weakening muscle tone.

How does a kinesiologist help?

  • establishing and maintaining physical and mental health and balance
  • increase vitality and energy levels
  • positive reinforcement of self-confidence and self-esteem
  • to develop our creativity and abilities
  • removing internal barriers to achieving our goals
  • managing stress and fears
  • removing barriers to communication and self-expression
  • empowering our choices and individual choices
  • deepening our relationships
  • resolving work, family conflicts and sexual problems
  • self-awareness, developing self-awareness and inner harmony
  • improving our quality of life
  • relationship problems
  • panic disorder, anxiety
  • health problems
  • pathfinding, finding a way out
  • crisis, emotional loss
  • anxiety, allergies

For children:

  • learning difficulties, dyslexia
  • pre-school-school introduction
  • integration difficulties
  • sibling phobia
  • night-time wetting
  • speech impediment
  • sleep disturbance