
The intersection of nutrition and genetics, or nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics

Nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics are concerned with exploring the interactions between genes and nutrients, with the aim of building a healthier life and avoiding diet-related diseases.

Through nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics, it is possible to implement a truly individualised concept of nutrition, tailored to genetic needs, and to provide personalised nutritional advice based on the genetic profile to maintain and protect health.

Nutrigenomics explores the effects of nutrients on DNA, proteins and metabolic processes, by investigating how bioactive components of the diet influence gene expression and function. And the main goal of nutrigenetics is to explain how our genetic make-up can influence the interaction between nutrition and disease, i.e. how our genes affect the utilisation of nutrients in the body.

Interactions between genes and nutrition

Carrying a predisposition to a disease does not necessarily mean that the disease will develop over time, as we can not only contribute to it through our lifestyle, but we can also prevent it, i.e. through our lifestyle and diet we can not only “adapt” to our genetically determined needs, but also influence the way our genes work.

Among the leading causes of death are diseases that can be influenced by nutrition, so the first important step to prevent them would be good nutrition. However, not everyone has the same understanding of what good nutrition means.

Identifying genes can also reveal predisposition to diseases, so that prevention can start early, before the first symptoms appear.

Our genetic make-up determines how we look and how our bodies function. There can be individual differences in how we function, which affect, for example, our different responses to diet. For example, some people may not have elevated cholesterol levels even with a diet rich in saturated fats and cholesterol, while others may have elevated blood fats even with a strict diet. However, nutrigenomics can help to identify who needs the best nutrients and what is best for them.


Nutrigenomics is the science that studies how nutrition, the substances we ingest through food, affects the function of our genes. The presence of genes does not always mean the presence of the trait they encode, the activation of a gene is also influenced by external factors such as food.

Nutrigenomics offers a chance to maintain health and prevent many diseases by using the interrelationship between an individual’s genetic make-up and the effect of nutrients on it.

Nutrigenomics studies the interactions of different dietary components, nutrients and genome variations on gene expression. In nutrigenomics terms, nutrients are signals that are recognised by the sensory system of the cell, and alter gene expression and protein and metabolite production. Not only the quality but also the quantity of nutrients has a significant influence on gene expression. Inadequate dietary intake leads to genetic instability, and energy intake in excess of requirements leads to abnormal gene expression and associated disease susceptibility.

Nutritional genetics, or nutrigenetics, is a reversal of nutrigenomics, looking at how individual genetic background influences the effects of nutrients.

Genetic variants in the gene encoding an enzyme, or in its regulatory region, can modify its activity, contributing to individual differences in nutrient absorption, storage, excretion and satiety.

The Genome test

Lifecode Gx® applies the latest genomic science to enable a proactive, preventive and personalised approach to health.

Lifecode Gx® offers specialised nutrigenomic DNA test panels that inform how inherited health risks can be reduced through personalised nutrition and lifestyle changes.

Genotyping results are presented in relation to diet and other environmental factors (sleep, stress, physical activity and chemicals that influence them). Our unique colour-coded pathway diagrams provide easy-to-understand visual summaries and in-depth insights into the risks or potential protective effects of each genotype. This enables a deeper and holistic understanding of outcomes and the identification of the most effective lifestyle and dietary changes.

Wondering what diseases you might be prone to? By identifying your genes, you can find out, so you can start prevention early by adjusting your diet to suit your individual needs! Nutrigenomics is the study of how diet and the substances we ingest affect the function of our genes.
Interested but unsure?
Book in for a consultation, during which our professional guide will help you choose the most ideal panel(s) for you and answer all your questions before sampling! The cost of the consultation will be included in the price of the nutrigenomics package if you register for sampling within one month!





This test will analyse how gene variants may affect tolerances (and intolerances) to certain foods, the mechanism of appetite regulation and blood sugar regulation and its balancing ability. Vitamin and mineral requirements, detoxification capacity and susceptibility to inflammation and infection are also helped to be better understood by this panel. The Nutrient Core helps you understand basic genetic interactions related to diet and lifestyle, and indicates whether certain functions require further genetic testing. It includes genes that have been shown to influence:

  • food response – celiac disease (gluten) and lactose intolerance
  • caffeine – sensitivity and metabolism
  • microbiome – diversity
  • vitamin requirements – vitamins A, B9 (folic acid), B12 (cobalamin), C, D and K
  • blood pressure – sodium-potassium balance and salt-sensitive hypertension
  • detoxification – glutathione
  • metabolism – blood sugar control (insulin), appetite (leptin)
  • inflammation – specific (infection response) and systemic
  • circadian rhythm – ‘lark’ or ‘night owl’ tendency

metabolic panel

The Metabolic Panel transforms our current understanding of how genes regulate metabolic individuality and how they support (or inhibit) energy regulation, longevity and health. Metabolism applies to all cellular chemical reactions and is essential for life. It involves a number of interrelated pathways that can be divided into ‘anabolism’ (‘building up’, e.g. synthesis of sugars, fats, proteins and nucleic acids) and catabolism (‘breaking down’, e.g. release of energy in the form of ATP). These complex processes and the balance between them are key to energy metabolism and healthy cell structure and function.

The comprehensive Metabolomics report outlines the genes that can strongly influence human metabolic processes. It includes more than 40 genes and 50 SNPs across 6 pathways, including appetite regulation, nutrient sensing, sugar and fat metabolism, cholesterol and biliary function, mitochondria and inflammatory processes.

Hormon panel

Steroid hormones are a group of hormones derived from cholesterol, including progesterone, oestrogen, testosterone, DHEA and cortisol (and their derivatives). In both men and women, they are involved in the regulation of a number of physiological processes, such as the development and function of the reproductive system, metabolism, inflammation and the immune system. Steroid hormones are usually transported by the blood, bound to specific carrier proteins. Further metabolism and catabolism occur in the liver, other peripheral tissues and target tissues.

Symptoms of steroid hormone imbalance can affect both men and women, including: infertility, low libido and sex drive, low sperm count, acne, excessive facial hair in women, PCOS, blood clots, mood swings, depression, substance abuse, poor memory, weight gain (belly fat in men), breast appearance in men and hormone-sensitive cancers such as breast cancer or prostate cancer.

The hormone test analyses the genes involved in the regulation, synthesis, signalling, transport and metabolism of corticosteroids and sex steroid hormones. It examines how gene variants affect hormone imbalances and details the nutrients and environmental factors that can influence and improve their balance. The Hormone Panel is recommended for men and women who have symptoms of hormone imbalance, such as those listed above.

Metilációs panel

A metilezés egy szén- és három hidrogénatomból álló metilcsoportok más molekulákhoz való hozzáadásának folyamata. A szervezetben szinte minden anyagcsere-folyamatban részt vesz, másodpercenként milliárdszor fordul elő sejtjeinkben, és számos kulcsfontosságú funkcióhoz járul hozzá.

A metiláció kiegyensúlyozatlansága – túl kevés vagy túl sok – növelheti az olyan krónikus betegségekre való hajlamot, mint a szívbetegség, a keringési problémák, a krónikus fáradtság, a meddőség, az immun- és autoimmun állapotok, a táplálék- és kémiai érzékenység, a hangulati és pszichiátriai rendellenességek, valamint a rák és a korai öregedés. A metilációs teszt öt alciklusban – folsav-, metionin-, neurotranszmitter-, transzszulfurizációs- és karbamidciklus – résztvevő géneket vizsgál. A genetikai eredmények tájékoztatják arról, hogy valaki valószínűleg rosszul vagy túl hatékonyan dolgozza fel a kofaktorokat – B6, B9 (folát) és B12 (kobalamin), metionin, betain, kolin, cink és magnézium; és inhibitorok – vegyszereket, penészgombákat gyógyszereket, hormonokat és nehézfémeket, és útmutatást adnak a szűk keresztmetszetek vagy gyengeségek támogatásához vagy megkerüléséhez.

Hisztamin panel

Histamine has many functions: as a neurotransmitter, it transmits messages to and from the brain and nervous system; it triggers the release of stomach acid to aid digestion; and it can also be released after stress, injury or an allergic reaction as part of the body’s immune response. Histamine intolerance is the body’s reaction to an imbalance between the accumulation of histamine and its ability to break it down. When the body cannot break down histamine quickly enough, it becomes toxic. Symptoms of histamine toxicity can include skin irritation or difficulty breathing (mimicking an allergic reaction), digestive problems, headaches, insomnia and anxiety.

The histamine intolerance test analyses the genes and nutrients needed to break down and remove histamine, shows where disruptions occur and how to support optimal function. Diamine oxidase (DAO), which breaks down histamine primarily in the gut, can be damaged by gastrointestinal diseases or ‘blockers’ such as alcohol, smoked or fermented foods, black tea, green tea and certain drugs such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen or aspirin). Deficiencies in histamine n-methyltransferase (HNMT) in the nervous system and lungs can also lead to histamine overload.

ösztrogén egyensúly panel

Estrogen is one of the two main female steroid hormones, the other being progesterone. Men also need oestrogen to produce sperm and maintain libido, but at significantly lower levels. Estrogen’s main role is to increase cell growth and production. It is responsible for the development of the female reproductive system and is involved in maintaining bone density, blood clotting and affects hair, skin, mucous membranes and pelvic muscles.

Estrogen imbalance can contribute to gynecological problems, including fibroids, PMS and heavy menstrual bleeding, skin problems including acne and rashes, and ER positive breast cancer.

The Estrogen Balance panel analyses the genes involved in the estrogen life cycle. It examines how gene variations affect the production, activation and elimination of estrogens, and details nutrients and environmental factors that can influence and improve their balance. The Estrogen Balance Panel is recommended for women who suspect estrogen-related diseases.

Méregtelenítő panel

Detoxification is the physiological removal of toxic substances from the human body. This task is performed mainly by the liver and to a lesser extent by the small intestine, kidneys and lungs. Substances such as waste products, food additives, pesticides, drugs, air pollutants, alcohol and hormones are converted from fat-soluble to water-soluble and are therefore more easily eliminated from the body. The process takes place in two main phases: phase I triggers the toxic molecules to deactivate and phase II completes deactivation and prepares for elimination.

Poor detoxification can lead to symptoms such as headaches, muscle aches, fatigue, allergies, skin disorders, weight gain, bloating, acid reflux and heartburn, excessive sweating, chronic infections, low fertility, low libido, poor mental function and low stress tolerance.

The detoxification test looks at genes that affect phase I reactions in the liver, including cytochrome P450 oxidases, phase II conjugation, including UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs) and glutathione S-transferases (GSTs), and the phase III antiporter gene ABCB1, which affects the transport of drugs and other substances into and out of cells. They also contain genes that help neutralise ROS. The report identifies the personalised nutrition needed to optimise detoxification.

Idegrendszeri panel

The nervous system supports the transmission of messages around the mind and body, allowing the individual to respond to the environment. A neurotransmitter is a molecule that carries signals between nerve cells and across nerve junctions (synapses). Stimulatory neurotransmitters increase the likelihood that a neuron will trigger a signal, while inhibitory neurotransmitters have the opposite effect. To communicate effectively with our environment, these need to be in balance.

Symptoms of neurotransmitter imbalances can include: mood imbalance, depression, manic behaviour, attention deficit and obsessive-compulsive disorder, addictive behaviour, movement control disorders, anger, aggression and agitation.

The neuroscience panel analyses gene variants that affect serotonin (satisfaction), melatonin (sleep), dopamine (motivation), noradrenaline and adrenaline (fight or flight); glutamate (the main stimulatory neurotransmitter); GABA (the main inhibitory neurotransmitter), which is critical for relaxation; and endocannabinoids (AEA/anandamide), which regulate other neurotransmitters. The report includes detailed recommendations for nutritional support to alleviate symptoms and optimise mental health.

apoe panel

The apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene is best known for its role in lipid (fat) metabolism, helping to remove cholesterol from the bloodstream. It can exist in three main forms, called E2, E3 and E4.

The E4 form of the APOE gene has been associated with elevated plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels, as well as susceptibility to cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerotic heart attack or stroke, insulin resistance and Alzheimer’s disease. However, the E4 genotype is one of several risk factors and does not mean that any of these conditions will develop.

In addition to APOE, this test also looks at genes involved in methylation, inflammation, toxicity and neuroprotection to allow individuals to take preventative steps with personalised dietary and lifestyle changes to optimise their future long-term health.

The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland in the neck that produces two thyroid hormones – thyrotyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), as well as calcitonin. Thyroid hormones regulate the metabolism of almost every cell in the body, with a wide range of metabolic, developmental and cardiovascular effects. Thyroid function is modulated by genetic and environmental factors: nutrients (tyrosine, selenium and iodine), toxins (fluorine, chlorine or moulds), psychosocial or physical stressors, bacteria and viruses. Imbalances can result in dysfunction of the HPT (hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid) axis, autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITDs) such as Graves’ and Hashimoto’s diseases, thyroid-sensitive cancers (although rare), and thyroid hormone activation and response. A lack or excess of thyroid hormones can result in a range of symptoms. Hypothyroidism can cause weight gain, fatigue, low libido, cold intolerance, dry skin, constipation and depression. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism include anxiety, heat intolerance, palpitations, insomnia and weight loss. The Thyroid Balance Panel analyses the genes involved in the life cycle of thyroid hormones. It also looks at genes that predispose to inflammation and autoimmunity.

sportolói panel

DNA sequencing has opened the door to personalised approaches to health and fitness, enabling a smarter approach to training, recovery and performance. In this panel, we present elements of your individual DNA profile that have been shown to influence sports performance.

The personalised genetic results are grouped into three themes:

Training – design a program that is most effective for you to support cardiovascular adaptation, strategic fueling and structural strength.

Heal – increase your resilience and reduce your risk of injury and disease by controlling inflammation, reducing oxidative stress and optimising sleep.

Performance- balance stress and stimulation when it matters most – to achieve your personal best.