Cellulite, orange peel massage


Cellulite, orange peel massage

Cellulite is caused by an enlargement of fat cells under the skin.
The fat cells are filled with metabolic waste products that cannot be eliminated from the body. Normally they are eliminated through the lymphatic system, but this is often not fully achieved. The lymph flows through the body by contracting the muscles and does not have its own pump like the heart. Muscles can transfer excess material to the lymphatic system if the surrounding connective tissues are tight, providing adequate counter-pressure. However, in many cases the connective tissue is too weak, so the muscle pump does not work properly, lymphatic stasis occurs, waste material accumulates and cellulite develops. A solution to cellulite.
Increase the blood supply and stimulate the lymphatic system. The stagnant lymphatic fluid must be pumped into the lymphatic vessels so that the waste products can be eliminated. Lymphatic circulation can be restored by mechanical pressure and massage techniques. The masseur uses lymphatic massage techniques to move waste from the cells to the smaller lymphatic vessels and from there to the larger collecting vessels, thereby helping the body to self-cleanse.

Cellulite, cellulite, cellulite treatment
Recommended. A treatment lasts 30 – 60 minutes.

30 – 30 minutes – 3 sessions per week to start with, then 2 sessions per week to achieve the right effect.
Contraindications: fever, thrombosis, haemophilia, infectious diseases.

How can the effectiveness of the treatment be improved?

Exercise for at least an hour a day (running, swimming, cycling, hiking on weekends, etc. whoever has the opportunity and the inclination) and depending on the intensity of the exercise, fat burning starts after 15 – 25 minutes. The point here is not to lose weight, but to increase lymphatic circulation through exercise.

Getting your digestion right, eating a regular, fibre-rich diet: e.g. raw vegetables, stewed white meats (fish, chicken, etc.). Drinking 1.5 to 2 litres of fluids a day (non-carbonated mineral water with a low mineral content is best).
Avoid the following foods: chocolate, nuts, carbohydrates, fatty foods, alcoholic beverages, excessive spices, cola, coffee.

Method of treatment: on a massage bed, without oil, with the treated body parts covered

Duration: 30 / 60 / 90 minutes