Spinal examination

There is a very close connection between the vertebrae and our internal organs. The body’s innervation is zonal, i.e. the spinal nerves exiting from a vertebral body mesh with nerves in a particular part of our body. Therefore, slipping vertebrae or putting pressure on a nerve exiting the spine can lead to dysfunction of internal organs.

The spinal therapy device tests the flexibility and functional status of the spinal segments. It separately analyses the vertebral segments and the movement of the associated tissues and displays them graphically and numerically. After the analysis phase, the function of the segment(s) to be treated is restored by means of the physical energy selected by the instrument, sometimes in several steps. It can reduce neck, back and lower back pain. Spinal mobility is improved and the condition of the internal organs may improve as vertebral blocks are released.

The treatment device sends a mechanical pulse to a specific part of the spinal column and analyses the pressure returning from there. The device examines the cervical, back, lumbar and sacral spine and then displays the results graphically, measuring the abnormalities, testing the flexibility of the spinal joints and detecting muscle tension or spasm.

The instrument can be used not only to measure but also to treat: the therapy can normalise the movement of the small joints of the vertebrae, have a positive effect on slipped discs and relieve muscle spasms.

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