Valuable information can be obtained about the function of the cells in the vessel wall and the elasticity of the aorta. The test itself can be done in a few minutes, it is painless, and is similar to measuring the blood pressure. It uses a cuff to detect and analyse pressure waves in the blood vessels, known as pulse waves. This goes beyond traditional blood pressure measurement, providing accurate information about the state of the entire vascular system. The method is based on the discovery that the instrument can register signals through a cuff on the upper arm that reflect the state of the entire vascular system, giving an idea of how elastic – or healthy – it is. Vascular elasticity is a parameter closely related to atherosclerosis.
What does the instrument measure and how?
The test itself is similar to a blood pressure test, but it is not just systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings that are measured. The difference lies in the detail: the cuff on the upper arm can detect so-called complete heart rate curves, which are virtually identical to the blood pressure variations measured in your arm. These curves are converted into electronic signals by the measuring instrument and then analysed by a computer program. The results are used to characterise: the function of the small arteries and arteries, the pressure in the cardiac vascular bed, and the direct load on the heart. It determines the elasticity of the main artery (aorta) and, on this basis, calculates the so-called arterial age, taking into account the average values for the central European population. Ideally, the age of the arteries thus determined should not exceed the actual age of the person being tested. This method provides valuable information about the function of the cells in the arterial wall and the elasticity of the main artery, the aorta. The more flexible the vessel wall, the healthier it is.
The extra elements of our current machine:
1. Central blood pressure – aortic central blood pressure (normally lower than peripheral blood pressure so we get a more accurate reading of the condition
2. Augmentation index – small arteries vascular tone index(how much pressure is being applied to the small arteries)
3. Pulse wave velocity – the pulse wave pressure of the aortic wall. The stiffer the aortic wall the faster the pulse wave velocity , this is a risk indicator for cardiovascular problems. Arterial age can also be inferred from this.
Measurement is recommended for everyone over the age of 30, especially those who:
By repeating the measurement, they become objectively traceable and can even be used to examine trends.
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