Media Screening

Media Screening

This screening test is recommended for people who come to us with known problems and symptoms, and although it does not require a full cellular diagnosis, we need to get a comprehensive picture of the condition of their body.

Every day we are exposed to the damaging effects of stress, which take a toll on our bodies and minds: for example, we recommend this screening for office workers who work sedentary jobs all day, pressured by deadlines and the need to meet them; or for those in physical jobs whose work is monotonous or stressed by the need to meet performance targets.

The problems can be varied, the investigation specific, the solutions unique.

Elements of a Media Screening:

Pulse diagnostics

The test measures the general state of the biorhythm (nervous system) during 300 ECG beats, and also provides information on the biological age of the body, daily energy levels, energy production and consumption, fluid balance, digestion-absorption rate, sleep quality, stress levels and the body’s ability to adapt to stress. The regulation of autonomic rhythms determines, for example, the efficiency and functioning of digestion, but also fundamentally determines the rhythm of all our organ systems and coordinates their functioning.
The method is very useful for a quick analysis of current challenges and life situations in everyday life, and how these influences affect our own internal rhythm.
It can also be useful in the rehabilitation period after a possible sports injury, when physiotherapy, corrective or drug treatment is applied, its effects can be followed in progress.

EIS – Electro Interstitial Scan – Examination of the intercellular space

The method provides a unique way to obtain information about the state of the extracellular and intracellular spaces and the physiological processes taking place in them. The instrument allows you to get a picture of the current state of your body in a three-minute procedure.
For example, it provides information on the functional status of the heart, kidneys, lungs, liver, pancreas, digestion, brain or even the nervous system. You can also get an overview of hormone levels, oxidative stress, blood gas levels and the acid-base balance of the body, as well as possible risk factors.

History taking and therapeutic summary

After taking a personal and family history, a status is recorded. During this phase, the individual tests are analysed, evaluated and, using integrated medicine, therapeutic recommendations are summarised, dietary and lifestyle changes are discussed and new elements are discussed.

Spinal examination

The spinal vertebrae are closely linked to our internal organs. The body’s innervation is zonal, i.e. the spinal nerves exiting from a vertebral body mesh with nerves in a particular part of our body. Therefore, slipping vertebrae or putting pressure on a nerve exiting the spine can lead to dysfunction of internal organs.

The spinal therapy device tests the flexibility and functional status of the spinal segments. It separately analyses the vertebral segments and the movement of the associated tissues and displays them graphically and numerically. After the analysis phase, the function of the segment(s) to be treated is restored by means of the physical energy selected by the instrument, sometimes in several steps. It can reduce neck, back and lower back pain. Spinal mobility is improved and the internal organs may improve as vertebral blocks are released.

The treatment device sends a mechanical pulse to a specific part of the spinal column and analyses the pressure returning from there. The device examines the cervical, dorsal, lumbar and sacral spine and then displays the results graphically, measuring the abnormalities, examining the flexibility of the spinal joints and detecting muscle tension or spasm.

The instrument can be used not only to measure but also to treat: the therapy can normalise the movement of the small joints of the vertebrae, have a positive effect on slipped discs and relieve muscle spasms.

Non-invasive blood analysis

The device covers a spectrum of tests far beyond the usual laboratory parameters (urine blood count) and provides results that help to interpret basic parameters and understand actual physiological processes. The thermometric method is used to test living blood using electrodes placed at biologically active points in the body. The test looks at liver and digestive enzymes, blood supply to various organs, some hormone levels, blood shape elements, blood gas parameters, kidney function, lung and circulatory indicators, among others.

Body composition analysis

BodyPedia’s DSM-BIA and SMFIM technology generates reports based on more than 40 different body composition parameters – providing the most comprehensive personal health data available. It uses multiple, different frequencies to measure intracellular and extracellular fluids, providing accurate body fluid analysis. BodyPedia measures all five cylinders of the body (left/right arm, torso, left/right leg) to provide accurate and detailed results. It processes the data using a unique modelling algorithm.